Wexham Park A&E temporary relocation
Quick, simple, stylish temporary help point relocation and tidy-up at Wexham Park A&E
Quick, simple, stylish temporary relocation at Wexham Park A&E.
Heatherwood and Wexham Park Foundation Trust is investing more than £2.5m in reconfiguring wards, in anticipation of a rise in emergency attendances. The trust is expecting a rise in demand following the closure of the emergency medical centre at nearby Wycombe Hospital, operated by Buckinghamshire Healthcare Trust. The AMU is being relocated to sit next to Wexham Park Hospital’s accident and emergency department.
The whole A&E department has decanted to a temporary Portakabin whilst the works are completed. Co-ordinating closely with the Trust’s Capital Projects team, Infopoint relocated the existing Infopoint help-point into the Portakabin at no cost to the Trust and will re-site it in the newly refurbished area once work has been completed. Infopoint also provided additional backboard signage for the payphone, free of charge, making the area look smart and fit for purpose.
Ben Clarke, Infopoint’s Project Manager, said
“We’re always happy to move with site closures,
refurbs and new builds. We take pride in our installations, which generate enquiries from new prospective sites.
The payphone in the Wexham Park Portakabin just looked a bit odd so we provided a bespoke backboard
to tidy it up. We’re really happy with it, so are the Trust.”